architecture disney tommorrowland amphitheater
Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida - 1973
The Project
To design a new outdoor amphitheatre to be located in the center of Tomorrowland in Walt Disney World which can stand up to
hurricane force winds and still accommodate large numbers of people requiring shade protection from the sun.
unless noted otherwise all images copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc
This new Amphitheater design developed around the concept of a circular concrete structure with a large opposing arch
which supports coated steel cables over which nylon sun screens could be attached and retracted.
The original concept called for the large arch to be hinged so that it could be rotated back to the main stage structure
and secured during storm winds. The final proposal called for a stationary arch and sun screens that could be retracted along the cables.
The selected design was one of three created. Below are the three designs in study model form.
Amphitheater models by d holmes chamberlin jr
copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr architect llc
page last revised june 2019